Season 2 - Episode 8: About change and trust with Zahnina

After almost 20 years in the hair industry Zahnina decided to change course so she can focus fully on what makes her heart happy.

Join Biddy as she talks to Zahnina about making life changing decisions, trusting your intuition and the continuous process of self discovery. About acting out of love, instead of fear. About being kind to ourselves and getting to know our inner critics.

After almost 20 years in the hair industry Zahnina decided to change course so she can focus fully on what makes her heart happy. She is following her path built on trust, surrender and her passion to connect people to each other and themselves. To do this she utilizes different approaches of energy work: LEAP, reiki and her work as a trainer for Energy Up where she guides people through different stages of happiness in a beautiful musical experience.

If you feel like sharing we would love to hear your thoughts and your experiences. Leave them in the comments or send us a private message.

Find us here:
Biddy -

Connect to us on social media:
Biddy - @yogavayunl
Zahnina - @leap_with_zahnina

Categories: : biddy, episodes, podcast, season 2