Season 2 - Episode 12: About (re)Connecting to Care Practices with Ely

Join Ely and Biddy as they talk about practices that offer (self)care. About how you can sometimes (re)discover a practice.

Bonus Material: Watch the video recording of this podcast! Scroll down for the video

Join Ely and Biddy as they talk about practices that offer (self)care. About how you can sometimes (re)discover a practice that helps you take care of yourself. Ely has reconnected to journaling and Biddy has been picking up her guitar more lately. And what is the role of perfectionism in how we connect to these practices we love?

I love how these conversations always open more doors than we planned and I hope you will love listening to this episode as much as we loved making it.

What practice have you rekindled with, or maybe said goodbye to? We would love to hear your take on this! Send us your process and your thoughts at

Connect to us:
Biddy - -
Ely - -

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As a special bonus you can watch this episode through our recording!

Or if you prefer to listen, you can do that here:

Categories: : biddy, episodes, podcast, season 2, with Ely