
You can find all episodes of our podcast here.

biddy Messchaert

Join Stephen Lightbown and Biddy as they have an open and honest talk about a topic that's quite hard to talk about for them.

biddy Messchaert

Show Up and Surrender is rebooted and back! In this episode I tell you about what I have been up to at the end of 2022.

biddy Messchaert

We got a really interesting follow-up question from one of our listeners after she listened to episode 104 The Curve.

biddy Messchaert

You’ve gotten to know our serious and honest side, so in this episode we would love to show you our giggly side as well.

biddy Messchaert

Meet Marcella, one of your hosts at Show Up and Surrender.

biddy Messchaert

Meet Biddy, one of your hosts at Show Up and Surrender.

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